
Plumbago is an evergreen ornamental garden plant with straight and branched stems, light green glossy leaves and white to blue flowers.
The small five petaled flowers that appear in clusters at the branch tip are baby blue, relatively a rare color; The intensity of blue varies from bright blue to pale and there is also a white variety. Though they appear delicate, Plumbago flowers are surprisingly tough and are sometimes used in flower arrangements.
,Plumbago requires full sunlight to partial shade with warm temperatures. It thrives in well drained soil. The plant requires frequent fertilizer.This easy growing plant makes an excellent foundation plant. It will bloom all year long.

How to grow Plumbago:

Plumbago propagates easily from seeds, cuttings and divisions.

From seeds:

1) Fill in plastic small pots with soil and compost. Moisten the soil thoroughly before sowing the seeds.
2) Sow one Plumbago seed in each pot at a depth of 1/4 inch. Cover the seed completely with soil. Moist the soil with water.
3) Set the pot in a bright sheltered location. Moist with spray or moistening bottle.
4) Watch for germination in roughly 25 days. Once the seedlings emerge, continue to water, whenever the soil surface dries.
5) Transplant the seedlings into the ground.

From cuttings:

1) Take a 2-6 inch cutting from the end of a healthy, non blooming stem. Remove the bottom two sets of leaves to expose the growth nodes.
2) Pot the  the cutting in a small plastic pot filled with moist soil.
3) Set the pot in a bright, sheltered location. Shield it from direct sunlight. Moisten the soil every few days.
4) Roots appear in four to six weeks on the base of the stem.
5) Transplant the stem  into a permanent sunny planting site.

`From divisions:

1) Dig down around the root ball of  Plumbago using a spade. Lift the plant with its root ball intact.
2) Cut it into divisions, each with an equal amount of roots.
3) Transplant the divisions into a prepared bed. Space them 3 feet apart. Spread a 2 inch layer of mulch between them to help keep the soil moist while they root.

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